The person behind MentalFish is Petter Sundnes, artist by nature, interaction designer by education, programmer by profession and game developer at heart. Member of IGDA since 2002, started MentalFish (PS Interaktiv) in 2003 and has been working on various game and visualization projects since then.
Throughout my career I have worked with everything from graphic design to game development, spanning concept design and 3D modeling to final implementation and programming. When working with interactive media, my focus is on workflow and usability, while with games my driving force and passion is gameplay and its game mechanics.
Examples of technology used range browser scripting in JavaScript in the mid nineties, Flash and ShockWave3D in the early two thousands and constant use of Unity since 2007.
MentalFish will continue to develop free tools for the LightWave and Unity community, as well as interface designs released under the Creative Commons license.