
Home/Tag: Unity

Unity+Android on Mac

Right off the bat, installing the Android SDK was a bit of a "huh?" moment, but I came across this nice guide for getting up to speed with installing the Android SDK on a Mac: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTh1i-7D75o So to recap and make it more geared towards Unity peeps, do this: Download the latest SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Unpack it and [...]

By |2020-09-23T11:13:13+01:00March 25th, 2012|Games|0 Comments

Game Dev 2012

Its 2012 and the local peeps are awesome. After attending Bergen Game Jam last weekend and the first international Join Game conference yesterday and today, one can not help but to be excited and inspired to get back into the game dev mode. I need to update some LScripts and I think some Unity/C# scripts [...]

By |2020-09-23T11:13:13+01:00February 3rd, 2012|Games|0 Comments


It's been a few days since the Android version went live, and I am awaiting the approval process from the App Store. In any case, the swtor.com RSS reader marks the kick off for many iOS and Android apps in the coming months.

By |2020-09-23T11:13:13+01:00October 3rd, 2011|Games|4 Comments

New game in development: B.A.G.

MentalFish and Scary-Monsters have teamed up to deliver an absurd experience in the form of a 3'rd person shooter named B.A.G. The game is a tribute to the 80'ies comic D.R. & Quinch and will feature ridiculous weaponry for disposal of annoying aliens. Leigh Bamforth has created some awesome models and first up is one [...]

By |2020-09-23T11:13:13+01:00November 3rd, 2010|Games|0 Comments

Pre-ordering Unity 3.0

Hurry peeps, pre-order Unity 3.0 before it is released and save a few hundred bucks. I just got my upgrade to Unity 3.0 and an upgrade of the basic iPhone license, so it saved me 300$. Also, check out the video of the Beast lightmapping demo, total awesomeness!

By |2020-09-23T11:14:26+01:00June 24th, 2010|Games|0 Comments

Asset management in Unity 3.0

Awesome asset management in Unity 3.0 http://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/06/15/unity-3-feature-preview-asset-management/ http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=12584179&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1

By |2020-09-23T11:14:26+01:00June 16th, 2010|Games|0 Comments

UV 2 Morph

Here is a tutorial by Mikael Burman on how to create some nice water effects on a window, by using my UV 2 Morph LScript. The plugin is just a small part of it all, so watch the whole thing and you'll see the overall coolness. This technique can also be applied to realtime 3D [...]

By |2020-09-23T11:14:40+01:00December 18th, 2009|Computer Graphics|3 Comments

Lunar Rover Simulator for NASA

I have recently worked with Chilton Webb and Rommany Allen in developing a simulator based on the NASA’s Constellation Program architecture. Development was done in Unity while all models was done in LightWave and the majority of them supplied by JF&M. I think this is a perfect example on how useful game based technologies can [...]

By |2020-09-23T11:14:40+01:00November 26th, 2009|Computer Graphics|0 Comments